Sergeisergeievich visits Plesetsk cosmodrome
(one of it's launch sites) on 22 of May 1994
Sergeisergeievich and other people stand on the platform for accessing the elevator
Sergeisergeievich and other people are going down the stairs from the elevator platform
The launch complex nearby seen from the pad where Sergeisergeievich is
The wooded area seen from the launch pad (notice the snow - it was on 22nd of May)
The common view of the launch complex and a railway-based rocket mounter standing next to it
The railway-based rocket mounter seen from inside of the launch complex
View of the rocket service framework from inside
Side view of the whole launch table (the launch complex itself is on the top of it)
The launch complex itself on the top of the table
(didn't manage to get far enough to capture the whole scene)
Another view of the complex and railway-based rocket mounter
Side view of the framework
Sergeisergeievich looks down
Sergeisergeievich wonders
All images on this page are copyrighted (c) Sergeisergeievich,, 1994-2001